To all those who are near and dear
Bidding farewell not to relocate
But to leave here and meet fate.
When the hourglass of my life
Ticks towards the final journey
I wonder how prepared I should be
Who and what can I take and leave?
Will my love come along with me
Will my siblings or kids give me company
Will I have to be alone in the final journey
When my soul leaves behind the body?
Will the jewels and wealth be of any need
Or will the attires I had be of any use
Will I have to leave behind my lovely house
And all that I had prized along with my spouse?
Will the anger I sometimes showed
Over power the love I had showered
Will there be some cherished memories
Or remembered of my great follies
I know I would not need jewels or wealth
Nor would I need house or the clothes I held
For life is short and full of surprises
And we are left with no choices.
I realize that all I want before I leave
Are some fond memories and happy thoughts
By leading a life filled with joy and cheer
And be remembered by all I hold dear.
It looks as though one's life would flash before one's minds eye before taking the final call.It should be worth watching to see how we had squandered or utlized our precious lives.It will also be profitable to ask the questions Lakshmi has raised now itself when we are alive to make mid course corrections if need be!A thought provoking piece nicely said.
we all do that in our daily lives ..
a thoughtless rash word
used that hurts others make them move away from us ...
an unkind action makes one less friendly with us ..
a relationship distanced create a huge gap ....
so Laksh, do we need to wait for that last One?
you know what?
you sound like emily dicknons here :-)
oh i forgot her poem
a good poem, heart touching, again, death has been my favourite topic for long, though not now, i ahve often thought of it, not like the way you did. i had always thought in the negative way, or, i have been self centred in my toughts, never did i think about the family i have and other committments i have, but as of now, i realise that LIFE IS TO LIVE FOR THE MOMENT, WITH ALL THE FUN, EXCITMENT,JOY,SURPRISES, AND NOT TO REGRET ABOUT THE LOST PAST AND NOT TO BOTHER ABOUT THE FUTURE..and when its time to leave, we would have a handful of wonderful memories to take with us, than that of the materialistic relationships we possessed in life..
a great poem..
ei Laksh ...
maybe it s time, to have a relook at it and come up with another one thats filled with hope and enthusiasm ...
I also feel you must move away from such melancholy thoughts and write poems on sunshine,hope,children,flowers and laughter.
thanks Deepu, Mr.Parthasarathi.......I sure would try
Thoughtful poem. Thinking of Death brings a great change in the way we think and live.
Personally I feel "fear of death is the beginning of wisdom"
ei Laksh ..
wish you four of you a wonderful time in season of love, joy and peace ...
have a nice day
Best wishes for a very happy 2009 and beyond for you and your family
new year greetings :)
How true..how easily we forget the truly important things in life. It s such a short life, why waste it in the superficial? Let us cherish life:)
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