Saturday, April 24, 2010

How thoughtless are we
I have noticed this aspect in many a human being. We tend to find it worthwhile to give gifts as cash or kind to those who have in plenty rather than to those who are in need.

In fact, the richer the receiver is, the costlier is the gift/cash that we give to them. We spend hours in shops to choose an apt gift for the richer class. Breaking our minds as to whether it would deem fit for them. And if it would be fit for their status. All time, effort and penny would just be shunned aside. Why not, for after all what we consider as a great gift is something that might just be a thing worthwhile to be put in the garbage according to them.

But if the receiver is poorer, then we think why waste money on them. And we look out for the least amount that we can afford for them. We feel just gifting a token amount to the needy is by itself a great deed done by us.

But the response shown by them is amazing indeed. That paltry amount given by us is a huge help to them. That is how they consider it. And they are filled with gratitude to us for that action.
A lot is there to think I feel.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Red Flowers
Oh aren't those lovely red flowers
so beautiful, to the earth like foyers
Happily said the little angel
from the heavens high above.

Please dear Father let me go
and admire them, where they grow
pleaded this little angel
eyes filled with excitement and glow.

You wouldn't withstand it my dear
they are not what you see from here
so my dear little angel
do not plead, just to me do hear.

Her face bore a look of sadness
devoid now of the lovely blitheness

wanting that his dear little angel
understand the reality, he let her go.

As she flew down to the earth
she saw the beauty just fading away
mirth lost and hurt was this little angel
for she saw not flowers but blood all way.